Sunday, 17 October 2010

Playing around

Today I've been playing around with backgrounds for my cardboard city just using Photoshops various techniques. I really like the results but I think they look best smaller as there are some really raw edges on the cardboard but that could add some homemade charm. Anyway here they are:

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Streets and Houses continued..

I've been playing around with printing the house drawings and arranging them in a 3D format to photograph but I still don't have a camera so I can't show that yet but I've been experimenting with the back of the houses as I mounted them onto cardboard and I decided to use that side as well. I painted windows in black to make really simple houses and scanned and arranged:

I love the different tones and shades created by the cardboard, it creates a really nice new setting for some work.

Friday, 1 October 2010

interesting find

I found these while I was looking through my computery files:

They're all a3 but the white on white is hiding that. The cat is my neighbourhood friend Trouble who sadly moved away last year but I took these photos and placed her in my versions of her favourite places around my house/garden. Not sure what I think of them, I quite like them but I'd like to print and add to them.